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Help us fulfill our mission of providing confidential, respectful, affordable and culturally appropriate reproductive healthcare services and education.
Nucleus Clinic is a non-profit clinic and is able to continue to provide services to our community because of MN State and Anoka County grants, medical insurance reimbursements, patient fees and the generosity of donors. Because we're here to ensure the health of our patients, we keep our rates low and patients are never denied care due to the inability to pay.
Your donation of any amount will help ensure that the Nucleus Clinic can provide compassionate care for another 50 years.
The Nucleus Clinic currently receives funding from:
Anoka County's Maternal and Child Health Grant
The Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Grant through the MN Department of Health
The Otto-Bremer Foundation Grant
Medical insurance reimbursement payments
Patient sliding fee scale payments
Corporate community donations
Individual and patient donations
If you or your company would like to make a tax-deductable donation to Nucleus Clinic,
please call 763-755-5300 or click donate icons above.
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